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ysladmin 2024-07-05 人已围观

简介自然风景区的英文翻译_自然风景区的英文翻译是什么       大家好,今天我将为大家讲解自然风景区的英文翻译的问题。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们



1.泰山的景物 用英语怎么说?






泰山的景物 用英语怎么说?

       你好, chenjifly


       南天门the Southern Heavenly Gate

       中天门the Midway Gate to Heaven

       悬云寺 Azure Cloud Temple

       岱庙 Dai Temple

       灵岩寺Divine Rock Temple

       泰山拱Taishan Arch

       万仙楼the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower

       罗汉崖Arhat Cliff

       斗母宫Palace to Goddess Dou Mu

       一天门First Gate to Heaven

       岩谷Sutra Rock Valley

       玉皇顶Jade Emperor Peak

       红门宫Red Gate Palace

       升仙坊the Arch of Ascending Immortals

       十八盘the Sudden Eighteen Flights

       骆驼石 Camel Rock

       观音寺the Temple of the Goddess of Mercy

       天地广场Heaven and Earth Square

       黑龙潭Black Dragon Pool

       冯玉祥墓Tomb of Feng Yuxiang

       长寿桥Longevity Bridge

       天柱峰Tianzhu Peak

       八仙洞Eight Immortals Cave

       十八盘 Eighteen Bends

       天后宫Hu Tian Pavilion



       Tianshan Grand Canyon Scenic Spot is located in Urumqi County, about 40 kilometers from the urban area of Urumqi. The scenic area average about 2000 meters above sea level, the average annual temperature (4~6) C. The scenic area was named the national Forest Park, the national sports leisure base,autonomous regions nationwide fitness expand sports training base, the autonomous region, autonomous region of hiking base fitness mountaineeringtraining base, is a national AAAAA level scenic spots.

       Scenic areas within the eight unique landscape, i.e. Tianshan Ba leisure area,Zhaobi Mountain Resort recreation area, gastar ban sightseeing area, Swan Lake natural scenic area, cattle Maohu Linhai Song Tao sightseeing area, Kazakethnic customs Park, alpine grassland ecological zone, mountain glacierssightseeing area. Is a set of tourism, vacation, culture, adventure, outdoor sports,health, leisure as one integrated tourism resort.


       Guanyinqiao area is the Buddhist holy places, a special bridge to the west for the Cihang Yang Goddess of Mercy Temple, the Millennium Bridge north temple Xixian Temple, Buddhist Lushan is one of the top-five jungle. Guanyinqiao area is your leisure travel destination.

       Guanyinqiao Lushan scenic spot located in the south of the national forest park, the first painting the east and Lushan Wulaofeng; west peak Lushan Hanyang peaks north magical Taiyi peak Yanbeigaomiao the south end of the Poyang Lake . Set the World Heritage area, the World Address Park, the natural scenic spots in China one. Hidden in the primeval forests of the area.

       Called "the first sip of Jiangnan" Millennium David - Guanyinqiao, built in the year 1014, 19.4 meters long bridge, and 4.8 meters wide. Granite垒成from 107. It momentum across to the majestic Grand Canyon in the Lushan - Xixian Grand Canyon, a national key units to be protected





        国际通用表达:入口——Entrance 出口——Exit

        又及:没错,国家公共信息符号标准中的表达的确是入口:Way in ? 出口:Way Out




        紧急通道 严禁堵塞——Emergency Exit,No Blocking(国家公共信息符号标准)


        鬼知道为什么“红线”翻译成了 redcourse,而其他颜色没有这个course~




        红线起点——Red Starting

        深绿线终点——Dark Green Ending

        蓝线起点——Blue Starting

        蓝线终点——Blue Ending


        请勿攀登/严禁攀爬——No Climbing

        第一和第三个翻译尤其啰嗦,不如改成No Climbing Without Permission or Fixing




        右侧两个显然漏写了 non-,“非游览区”成了“游览区”,看起来很搞笑,和下一句自相矛盾

        no entrance/admittance——禁止入内,大概也能理解

        forbidden across——这是在玩穿越火线吗?across一般用于横穿马路之类状况。。。

        非游览区 游客止步——Non-Opening Area,Passenger no entry(国家公共信息符号标准)


        禁止吸烟?No Burning!!! firework!!!……吓到我了

        这个很常见的好吧 别搞那么高难度

        禁止吸烟——No Smoking ?严禁烟火——No Open Flames


        请与野猴保持距离——Keep Away From Monkeys



        不可回收前缀是non? not

        unrecyclable:adj. 不可回收的;不可再循环的



        山坡陡峭 注意安全——Steep Hill,Caution Please

        右上角图中,风景林地、自然保护区——Nature reserve(国家公共信息符号标准)


        右上角图中,紧急呼救电话——Emergency call(国家公共信息符号标准)


        路面湿滑 注意安全——Slippery Ground,Caution Please

        floor指的是地板或楼层 不是山地额~


        thunderstorm——这是雷暴雨 太夸张了

        lighting-prone——这个词恕我愚鲁根本就没查明白 ……“易于闪电的”?

        雷雨天气 请勿登山——Off The Hill During Stormy Weather


        危险区域 请快速通过——Dangerous Area/Zone,Quick Pass


        严禁游泳——No Swimming

        公共标识一定要语意明确 通俗易懂


        prohibited这么高难度的词 我看着都吃力小孩子能懂吗……

        当心落水——Keep Away From Water



        危险动作 请勿模仿——Dangerous Play, No Imitation




        Victims受害者,牺牲者;受灾群众——“英勇的牺牲者” 勉强说得通 太勉强

        heros 英雄——英雄跟壮士严格说来不是一回事


        So,八百壮士墓——Eight Hundred Martyrs Tomb 图三中标!


        安全规则需要简单明确 表意清晰

        图一:Never unlock both carabiners at one time, either must be attached during the game.

        图二:Lock the free carabiner safely before unlock the former one.

        图三:1 person per stage, 3 person per platform for Maximum.


        图一:Long hair tied up,accessories removed (necklaces,bracelets, rings,etc.).

        图二:Hands off from the wire.


        这个是查实无错的,我也长了见识 原来“无障碍”翻译为accessable……


        继续长见识,也跟大家分享,中国消防原来是China Fire,漂亮~



        童鞋们如果发现身边的超市、商场或景区有错误的标识牌 该出手时要出手啊!



       附: 国家公共信息符号标准



       Mount Tai, the dual heritage of world culture and nature, world Geological park, national key cultural relics protection unit, national key scenic spot, national AAAAA-class tourist attraction.

       Taishan is located in the central part of Tai'an City, Shandong Province. The main peak, Yuhuangding, is 1,545 meters above sea level. It is magnificent and has the title of "The First of the Five Sacred Mountains" and "The First Mountain in the World." In the traditional culture of the Han nationality, Taishan has always had the reputation of "Five Sacred Mountains".

       Since Qin Shihuang sealed the Mount Taishan, the emperors of the dynasties continued to seal Zen and sacrifice in Taishan, and built temples to shape gods and engrave stone inscriptions on Taishan.

       Mount Tai is famous for its magnificent scenery, overlapping mountains, heavy shapes, the baking of pines and boulders, and the changes of cloud smoke, making it both bright and beautiful, and it is magical in silence. The most famous is the "Four Wonders of Taishan."

       泰山(Mount Tai),世界文化与自然双重遗产,世界地质公园,全国重点文物保护单位,国家重点风景名胜区,国家AAAAA级旅游景区。




       “欣赏美景”的英文翻译是enjoy the beautiful scenery和enjoy the view.



       view的英式读法是[vju?];美式读法是[vju?]。作名词时意思是视野;见解;风景;方法;检查。作动词时意思是考虑;看;把 ... 视为。










       v. (动词)






       n. (名词)

       scenery指“总体的、全部的风景”,表示的是室外的、自然存在的美丽景色; 指“布景”时,表示的是整个舞台的布置。



       n. (名词)


v. (动词)






