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ysladmin 2024-07-06 人已围观

简介旅游路线手抄报内容文字_旅游路线手抄报内容文字怎么写       大家好,今天我想和大家探讨一下“旅游路线手抄报内容文字”的应用场景。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现在就让我们一起来探讨吧。1.旅行手抄报内容怎么写2.国庆旅游手抄





















       Shantou is a coastal city in the east of Guangdong province with a total population of more than 5 million and an area of 2064 square kilometres.It became one of the original Special Economic Zones of China in the 1980s.It has many tourist attractionssuch as beautiful beaches and fresh air.It is one of the most comfortable ciites for people to live in in China.



       Xiamen is a ceam and modern citythere were many tall buildings by the both sides of the street . We visited the Gu lang Islandthe History Museum and the Xiamen University , there were a lot of interesting things in the museum . We also went to the beach . We had great fun therewe played beach volleyball and swam in the sea . We bought a lot of souvenirs.The people there are very friendlywe decided to go there again .















       Step 1: Prepare for your hike

       First, a hike entails walking. Sometimes strenuously, other times casual. Make sure that walking for longer periods of time works for you. Commence with a treadmill until you feel comfortable with a saucy walk in the park, and then finally, graduate onto the track. Do this repeatedly until you feel your strength is adequate to withstand the duration of your desired hike.



       Step 2: Dress appropriately

       Next, forget your exceptional fashion sense and make yourself comfortable for the adventure. Simple jeans and a t-shirt will be sufficient. If the weather is scorching, consider shorts.



       Step 3: Wear appropriate footwear

       The most important aspect of your attire is the footwear. Tennis shoes, hiking boots, or even specialized sandals (for the audacious type) can be worn but make sure they are not brand new and that your feet are akin to them – or the results may be unfavorable.



       Step 4: Know your route

       Next let's consider our two biggest predators we will encounter – the sun, and the ever alarming mosquitoes. Simply applying spf 30 or higher sunscreen and bug repellent will be sufficient to rid yourself of these pests.




       I learned to laugh inside my tear,

       I learned to be human in my most wretched years...

       I learned to feel when I wasn't being touched,

       I learned to give when I didn't have much.

       I learned to be warm when I was cold...

       Living real humbly,I learned to be bold.

       I learned to live when I thought it better to die...

       I learned to laugh when all I could do was cry.

       I learned from below what it's like up above...

       While I was hated,I learned how to love.

       It was on the move that I learned how to rest,

       While at my worst ,I learned my best.

       It is when I was lost that I learned that I am.

       I learned to be rich when I had o money...

       These things seem so serious,but hey...

       Isn't life funny!?


















       How much of the remittance do you want to convert into Japanese yen?


       What kind of currency do you want?


       What's it you wish to change?


       What kind of currency do you want to change?


       In what denominations?


       Please tell me what note you want.


       Will seven tens be all right?


       Is it in traveler's cheques?


       I'd like to know how I shall give it to you.


       How would you like it?


       Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address?



       How can you stay in shape on the road when you won’t have regular access to a gym, bicycle, pool, even a jogging trail? Here are 5 tips for keeping fit on the road.



       1. Run

       Although there may not be a trail, there’s always some place to run if you know where to look. Large lakes are your best bet for a paved, level path, but feel free to speed through the countryside at 5 mpm (minutes per mile, you rookies) and startle those just leaving the house.

       A useful website (better than Google maps, I think) can help you chart as-the-crow-flies distances across the globe: Gmaps Pedometer.

       Incidentally, if you don’t have room to pack a pair of running shoes and live near open fields, barefoot running is better for your bones and form. Just watch out for sharp objects.

       1. 跑步


       Gmaps Pedometer是一个很有用的网站(我认为比谷歌好),它能帮助你记录穿过地球的直线距离。


       2. Play Ultimate Frisbee

       For some reason, ultimate clubs seem to be a global standard for expats. Naturally, there are other choices available to you, but none quite as widespread (probably because it’s a simple team sport requiring the least massive equipment).

       Reach out to your local expat community to inquire about meeting times.




       3. Find Fitness Centers

       Gyms can be expensive no matter where you are, and chances are you don’t want to be tied to a six-or twelve-month membership.

       See if your area has a YMCA. If you’re in a small town, try to negotiate a decent per diem rate; better yet, make friends with the owner.

       Otherwise, it’s a better idea to save your money and effort: instead of bench presses, have someone sit on your back while you do pushups; bring a small hand weight with you for arm workouts; take advantage of your environment by rock climbing, kayaking, or doing martial arts…you get the idea.





       4. Sample Local Flavor

       Cubicle life might be stable and comfortable, but now that you’ve chosen to travel, to break the mold, so should it be with how you decide to keep fit every day. Open your body to new possibilities.

       Tai Chi in the parks of Peking. Caber tossing in Scotland. Climbing the steps of Aztec temples and Egyptian pyramids (if you care to bribe the authorities).

       No one is saying you can’t return to a regular 90 minutes on the weight, 30 minutes of aquajogging, and 17.5 minutes of stretching – just seize what is available to you on the road.




       没有人说你不能从常规的90分钟的负重,30分钟的慢跑和17.5分钟的拉伸练习中恢复过来 ——你只要抓住你乘车旅行中可用的机会就好了。

       5. Stay Away From McDonalds


       Bottom line

       Keep track of your pace while on the road. For anyone who lives an active lifestyle, traveling for long periods of time isn’t always ideal.

       Once you’ve had a taste of what it means to be in shape and reach your physical peak – strength, high metabolism, stamina, speed, agility - you start to wonder how you could have lived any other way.



