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ysladmin 2024-07-10 人已围观

简介热门旅游目的地英语_热门旅游目的地英语怎么说       最近有些日子没和大家见面了,今天我想和大家聊一聊“热门旅游目的地英语”的话题。如果你对这个话题还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你而写的,让我们一起来了解一下吧。1.????????Ŀ?ĵ?Ӣ??2.打造




2.打造国内一流,世界知名的山地旅游目的地 怎样译为英语



       We are planing to visit Beijing the capital city during the holiday. I'm travelling with two of my roommates Lucy and Lily (名字自己换) who are also my best friends in school. According to our plan, we will take a plane to go there and stay for three or four days in the city. There is a famous youth hostel called "great wall" and we have booked a room online, it is really economy since we three can share the room. All of us three are from south, so we definately going to try some Beijing local food. I heard there is a "food street" near Wangfujing where there will be tons of tasty snacks and cuisines like Beijing roast-sause noodles, simmered pork and of cause roast duck. Though it will be too common, we still want to see Tian'anmen and the flag rising in the square, for it is the symbol of our nation. I also very interested in the exhibitions in the national museum and national art museum. Not very far from Wangfujing street and the art museum there is the people's drama theatre where we can watch a avant-garde drama.


打造国内一流,世界知名的山地旅游目的地 怎样译为英语

       what is the most interesting event you met during the trip?what is your favorite destination?



       Creating the top mountainous attraction both in domestic and in worldwide.
