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ysladmin 2024-07-09 人已围观

简介自由行和跟团行的优缺点英语作文带翻译_自由行和跟团行的优缺点英语作文带翻译       大家好,今天我将为大家讲解自由行和跟团行的优缺点英语作文带翻译的问题。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让



1.急!!!暑假旅游 英语作文100词 带翻译

2.感恩父母的英语作文 带翻译

3.英语作文changes in my life.并附带翻译



急!!!暑假旅游 英语作文100词 带翻译

       1 happy summer vacation-YouGuiLin landscape

       Happy summer vacation-YouGuiLin landscape in summer holidays, children go to travel, I am no exception, with mother and father to visit guilin. We sat for a day and a night train, came to guilin. We first visited the XiangBiShan. XiangBiShan resembles a giant of yamagata prefecture as elongation nose kap shui river, in between the legs like make round bright water, constitute a "xiangshan hidden wonderland". The lijiang river, water very clear, and the mountain of the lijiang river appearance condition: some like sun wukong over wuzhishan, some like nine horses draw mountain, and like camels run... A few days later the behind, we visit the fubo mountain, star park, reed. We visited the different style of the caves, a cave in shapes, attitude of different stalactites, etc. Looking down on guilin city view, let me coming. Guilin trip opened my eyes. I love guilin's mountain! I love guilin of water!

       1 快乐的暑假——游桂林山水

       快乐的暑假——游桂林山水 在暑假里孩子们都要去旅游,我也不例外,和爸爸妈妈一起去桂林游玩. 我们坐了一天一夜的火车,来到了桂林.我们先游玩了象鼻山.象鼻山的山形酷似一头巨象伸长鼻子临江汲水,在象腿之间造就一轮临水皓月,构成"象山水月的奇景".漓江的水无比清澈,漓江的山千姿百态:有的像孙悟空过五指山,有的像九马画山,还有得像骆驼奔跑……后面几天的游程,我们游览了伏波山,七星公园,芦笛岩.我们参观了不同风格的岩洞,岩洞里有形状各异,姿态不同的钟乳石等.俯视着桂林的城市风貌,让我依依不舍.桂林之行让我大开眼界.我爱桂林的山!我爱桂林的水!

感恩父母的英语作文 带翻译



       It is very convenient to go to the supermarket. Everything can be bought. From vegetables to MP3 players, we all know that efficiency is very important in modern society.On the other hand, when we go to the supermarket, we will lose some things and trade less than when we were small. The quality of family stores and large-scale stores aiming at customers is obviously inferior to that of handmade products. The uniqueness of products will make society possible Changing, the tendency to go to the supermarket increases convenience, but reduces the quality and personal feeling used to describe shopping in the past.





       Today, my mother and my brother did some shopping. There were a lot of things in it, including food, drinking and work. I like reading very much.So I went to the second floor to read books. My mother and my brother bought some vegetables and meat. For about half an hour, we paid for things and went home together.

       There are a lot of things in the supermarket. There are many books on shelf a, toys and balls on shelf B, pens and pencils on shelf C, many fruits on shelf D, clothes on shelf e, I bought a new pen, a toy plane and a football.

       My mother bought some fruit, a shirt and some fish. We had a good time today.






       I went to the supermarket the other day with 10 yuan. I was a bit hungry, so I decided to buy a small pack of cookies which cost me 4 yuan. After I ate them, I was still hungry, so I decided to buy a small bag of potato chips which cost me another 3 yuan. After I ate them both, I was no longer hungry. However, I was very thirsty and wanted to buy a large bottle of milk to drink, but I didn’t have enough money left because even a small box of milk would cost me 2 yuan and I needed 2 yuan to pay the bus fare. So I gave it up at last.



英语作文changes in my life.并附带翻译











       Grateful to My Parents

       As a child, I always took my parents for granted. It wasn't until I grew up and moved out of their house that I realized just how much they had done for me. They gave me life, love, and endless support. They sacrificed so much for me, from their time and energy to their hard-earned money.

       My parents have always been there for me, no matter what. When I was struggling in school, they helped me with my homework and encouraged me to keep going. When I faced challenges in life, they were my rock, offering guidance and wisdom. And now that I'm an adult, they continue to be my biggest cheerleaders.

       I am grateful to my parents for everything they have done for me. I know that without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. They have taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and kindness. They have shown me what it means to be a good person, and I strive every day to live up to their example.


       Granted (v.) 授予,给予

       Sacrifice (v.) 牺牲

       Wisdom (n.) 智慧

       Perseverance (n.) 坚持不懈











       Grateful to My Parents

       As we grow up, we realize the importance of our parents in our lives. They have always been there for us, providing us with love and support. We should be grateful for their selfless dedication and sacrifice.

       From a young age, our parents have taken care of us, feeding us, clothing us, and giving us a warm home. They have worked hard to provide us with the best education possible, so that we can have a bright future. They have also taught us valuable life lessons, instilling in us important values such as honesty, kindness, and perseverance.

       Their love is unconditional, and they always put our needs before their own. They have made countless sacrifices for us, often putting aside their own dreams and desires to ensure that we have everything we need.

       We should never take our parents for granted, but rather show them our appreciation and gratitude every day. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything you have done for me.

















       Grateful to My Parents

       I'm grateful to my parents for everything they have done for me. They work hard to provide for our family and give us a good life. They always show their love and care for me, making sure I have everything I need. They also teach me important values and principles that will guide me through life.

       I appreciate all the sacrifices my parents have made for me and I want to do my best to make them proud. I hope to repay them by being a responsible and successful person, and by showing them the same love and care they have shown me.


       Grateful (adj.) - 感激的;感谢的

       Provide (v.) - 提供,供应

       Sacrifice (n.) - 为了别人牺牲的事物

       Repay (v.) - 偿还,回报






       以下是三篇以《changes in my life》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。?







       Changes in My Life

       In the past few years, my life has undergone many changes. First of all, I have completed my studies and started working. This has given me a sense of independence and responsibility that I never had before. Secondly, I got married and started a family. This has brought new challenges and joys into my life. Lastly, I have developed new interests and hobbies, such as hiking and photography. These activities have allowed me to explore new places and meet new people.

       Overall, these changes have been positive and have helped me grow as a person. I have learned to adapt to new situations and embrace new experiences. While some of these changes were difficult at first, they have ultimately made me a stronger and more well-rounded individual.


       independence [?nd?p?nd?ns] n. 独立,自主

       responsibility [r?sp?ns?b?l?ti] n. 责任

       challenges [?t?l?nd?z] n. 挑战

       joys [dz] n. 快乐

       hiking [?ha?k?] n. 徒步旅行

       photography [f?t?gr?fi] n. 摄影

       adapt [?d?pt] v. 适应

       well-rounded [w?l ?ra?nd?d] adj. 全面的,多才多艺的








       这篇英语作文将围绕“changes in my life”这个主题展开,介绍我生活中的一些变化。可以从个人成长、学习工作、家庭生活等方面入手,描述具体的变化和对我的影响。


       Changes in My Life

       In the past few years, many changes have taken place in my life. As I grow older, I become more mature and independent. I have learned to take responsibility for my own actions and decisions. This has helped me to become more confident and self-assured.

       In terms of my education and career, I have also experienced significant changes. I have completed my studies and started working in my chosen field. This has provided me with new challenges and opportunities for growth. I have had to adapt to new work environments and learn new skills, but these experiences have helped me to become a better professional.

       On the personal front, I have also experienced changes. I have gotten married and started a family. This has brought a lot of joy and happiness into my life, but it has also required me to make adjustments and sacrifices. I have had to learn how to balance my work and family responsibilities, which has been challenging at times.

       Overall, the changes in my life have been positive and have helped me to grow as a person. I am grateful for all of the experiences that I have had and look forward to what the future holds.


       mature (adj.) 成熟的;成年的?

       independent (adj.) 独立的;自主的?

       responsibility (n.) 责任;职责

       confident (adj.) 自信的;有信心的

       self-assured (adj.) 自信的;有把握的

       career (n.) 职业;事业

       chosen (adj.) 选择的;被选中的

       adapt (v.) 适应;调整

       environment (n.) 环境;周围状况

       professional (n.) 专业人士;职业人员

       personal (adj.) 个人的;私人的

       married (adj.) 已婚的

       family (n.) 家庭;家人

       joy (n.) 快乐;喜悦

       happiness (n.) 幸福;快乐

       adjustment (n.) 调整;适应

       sacrifice (n.) 牺牲;舍弃

       responsibility (n.) 责任;职责












       Changes in My Life

       There have been many changes in my life recently. Firstly, I have started a new job which has been challenging but also rewarding. Secondly, I have decided to go back to school to further my education and learn new skills. Finally, I have made some personal changes such as adopting a healthier lifestyle and spending more time with family and friends.

       All of these changes have taught me valuable lessons and helped me grow as a person. I have learned the importance of perseverance and hard work, as well as the value of maintaining a work-life balance. I am excited to see what other changes lie ahead for me in the future.


       challenging (adj.) - difficult or demanding


       rewarding (adj.) - giving satisfaction or a sense of achievement


       further (v.) - to advance or promote the growth or development of something


       perseverance (n.) - persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success


       work-life balance (n.) - the balance between one's career and personal life




















       The Great Journey of Learning

       Learning is the key to success. However, the journey of learning is not always easy. I have faced many challenges and obstacles during my own journey of learning.

       One of the biggest challenges I faced was time management. Balancing work, school, and personal life was a difficult task. However, I learned to prioritize my tasks and manage my time effectively. This helped me to stay on track and achieve my goals.

       Another challenge was staying motivated. There were times when I felt discouraged and wanted to give up. But I reminded myself of the importance of education and the opportunities it could bring. I also sought support from family and friends, which helped me to stay focused and motivated.

       Despite these challenges, I persevered and achieved success in my studies. But I realize that learning is a never-ending journey. There is always more to learn and new challenges to overcome. I am excited to continue on this journey and see where it takes me.


       Obstacle(名词)- 阻碍或妨碍进展的事物;障碍物。

       Prioritize(动词)- 按重要性安排或处理;优先考虑。

       Discouraged(形容词)- 失去信心或热情;沮丧的。

       Persevered(动词)- 尽管面临困难或反对,仍然坚持不懈;坚持不懈的。














       The Great Journey of Learning

       Learning is a great journey that requires continuous effort and exploration. It enables us to progress and opens up more opportunities and possibilities.

       Throughout our learning journey, we will encounter challenges and difficulties. However, as long as we persist, we can achieve success.

       We should embrace this journey with an open mind and a willingness to learn from our mistakes. With each step, we gain new knowledge and skills that help us grow and develop.

       In conclusion, learning is a lifelong pursuit that enriches our lives and broadens our horizons. Let us embark on this great journey with enthusiasm and determination.


       Exploration (名词) - 搜寻或旅行以发现新事物的行为

       Possibilities (名词) - 可以完成或达成的事情

       Persist (动词) - 尽管遇到困难或反对,仍然继续做某事

       Enriches (动词) - 通过添加其他元素来提高某物的质量












       The Great Journey of Learning

       Learning is a journey that never ends. It is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through study, experience, or instruction. Learning brings many benefits to individuals and society as a whole. It helps us grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially. It enables us to adapt to new situations and challenges, and to make informed decisions.

       However, learning requires effort and time. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it. We need to be motivated, disciplined, and persistent in our pursuit of knowledge. We need to set goals, plan our actions, and evaluate our progress. We need to seek feedback, ask questions, and collaborate with others. We also need to be open-minded, curious, and creative.

       Learning is essential for personal and social development. It empowers us to discover our passions and talents, to pursue our dreams and aspirations, and to contribute to the well-being of our communities and the world. It enriches our lives and expands our horizons. It enables us to appreciate diversity and respect differences. It fosters empathy, compassion, and kindness.

       Therefore, let us embrace the great journey of learning with enthusiasm and courage. Let us explore new fields of knowledge, challenge our assumptions and biases, and embrace the joy of discovery. Let us become lifelong learners and make a positive difference in the world.


       Pursuit (名词) - 寻求或追随某事的行为

       Horizons (名词) - 一个人经验、知识或兴趣的限制

       Empathy (名词) - 理解并分享他人感受的能力






