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1.济南旅游景点用英文介绍 济南旅游英语

2.乐山旅游景点英文介绍 乐山英语导游词


4.深圳旅游景点介绍视频英文 深圳的旅游景点英语


济南旅游景点用英文介绍 济南旅游英语


       The Thousand Buddha Mountain is a hill located southeast of the city of Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, China. It is renown for its numerous Buddha images which have been carved out of the hill's rock faces or erected free-standing since the times of the Sui Dynasty and its Xingguochan Temple.

       Daming Lake or Daming Hu, is one of the biggest lakes in the city of Jinan. Daming LakeLocated at the center of Jinan's urban area.It is one of the three major scenic spots of the city. The other two are Baotu Spring and Qianfo Mountain.

        Jinan is known as " the City of Springs" for its some 100 springs,72 of which are famous. The waters of the springs converge to form Daming Lake. The lake is filled from the south bank, and emptied through the North Water Gate built in the Song Dynasty about 1,000 years ago. With an impervious rock bottom, the lake keeps a constant level the whole year through.

        The lake is recorded as early as in The Annotated Book of Waters by Li Daoyuan who was active about 1,500 years ago. With a waterly picture and quite a number of historical cites in the urban landscape, it has always been a tourist attraction through the centuries.

       Beautiful Baotu Spring Park is located in the centre of Jinan City, and it is here that you will find the Baotu Spring. In the past, the Baotu Spring only covered 4 mu (about two thirds of an acre). The park itself was originally established in 1956 and more recently has been extended to 158 mu (about 26 acres). This highly valued facility represents the symbol of Jinan City and is regarded as one of the three major places of interest in Jinan. This park is highly regarded as a well known scenic spot which makes an ideal location for admirers of wonderful natural springs, culture and various constructions.

       Baotu Spring is located in the centre of Baotu Spring Park and is renowned as the best of the 72 springs in Jinan. Since ancient times, many famous poems and prose have been written relating to its unique beauty. According to experts' research, this spring has a history of 3,543 years, dating back to the Shang Dynasty (16th _11th BC). The special geographical structure in Jinan creates the special Baotu Spring. The spring pool is rectangular in shape, stretching about 30 meters (about 98 feet) west to east and about 18 meters (about 59 feet) north to south. Spring water pours out from the underground limestone cave throughout the night and day, sometimes reaching its maximum of 240,000 cubic meters per day. When water bursts out from the three outlets, the spring creates thunderous sounds and sprays water jets. Sometimes water columns are created that reach as high as 26.49 meters (about 86.9 feet), making a real spectacle.

       The spring retains its temperature at 18 degree Celsius (64.4 degree Fahrenheit) all year round. In cold winter, water mist rises and floats over the spring pool like clouds. Ancient pavilions and halls with colorful drawings and carvings reflect in the clear water creating a landscape virtually emulating paradise.

       Pure in quality and mellow in taste, the spring water is ideal for drinking and making tea. Tea tasting is a favorite past time here. There is a saying here that you will spoil your Jinan tour if you do not drink the tea brewed with Baotu Spring water. To the east of the spring is the famous Wangheting Teahouse, where you can recreate the moment when past Emperors sat there, tasting tea and enjoying the beautiful scenic delights of Baotu Spring.

       What's more, the traditional and very popular Lantern Festival and Chrysanthemum Show are also held here every year, which greatly highlights the cultural significance and importance of this beautiful and very impressive scenic spot. There's no doubt that visitor's will be struck with this very memorable place.



       Jinan, the 'City of Springs' is popular among tourists for its many springs.

       Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, is located in the mid west of Shandong.

       What kind of city is Jinan? We can see from its various unique characteristics.

       Jinan is a historical city with a history of some 2000 years and is famed for its numerous relics. It is the cradle of the Longshan Relics Culture, the reputed prehistoric culture of China and is found in Longshan Town of Jinan, hence the name. In the area of Jinan, you will find far more than you would expect, the ancient Great Wall of the Qi State (a state of the Zhou Dynasty (770B.C. _ 221B.C.)), the colored sculptures of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) in the Lingyan Temple and so on.

       Jinan is the home of Lu Cai (Shandong cuisine), a popular cuisine of China.

       The unique tourist souvenirs available in Jinan include Ejiao, Black Pottery, Lu Embroidery and Wooden-Fish wares.

       Jinan is the right place to see some very typical festivals including The Lantern Festival in the Baotu Spring Park, the Lotus Festival in the Daming Lake Park and the Double-Nine Festival on the Thousand-Buddha Mountain.

       Jinan is a hospitable city and receives tourists from all over the world. Marco Polo once visited Jinan and left words of praise to this city. The Baotu Spring, Daming Lake and the Thousand Buddha Mountain decorate Jinan as a Garden City.

       Compared with those capital cities, or other large and medium-size cities in China, Jinan has few advantages and lacks a metropolitan atmosphere, the highlight being its numerous springs. Some people say Jinan's glamour is not merely its enticing natural beauty, but more the warmth of the Jinan people. The beauty of nature is thin and weak, but the beauty that comes from people will last forever.


       Stephen Tiger, Baotu Spring, Springs Plaza, Hibiscus Street, five of the Longtan, attractions

       Have you ever been to the Jinan what attractions?

       What is your favorite spots that?

       Jinan What is your favorite?

       You know, "Jinan culture" What is it?

       Springs, flower, tree city


       1、趵突泉的英文为 Baotu Spring 。趵突泉位于济南市历下区,面积158亩,是以泉为主的国家AAAAA级旅游景区特色园林,国家首批重点公园。该泉位居济南七十二名泉之首,被誉为“_煜碌谝蝗保彩亲钤缂诠糯南椎募媚厦

       2、千佛山的英文为 Qianfo Hill 。千佛山是济南三大名胜之一,位于山东省济南市南部偏东,古称历山,因为古史称舜在历山耕田的缘故,又曾名舜山和舜耕山。隋开皇年间(581年一600年),因佛教盛行,随山势雕刻了数千佛像,故称千佛山。

       3、大明湖的英文为 Daming lake 。大明湖,是由济南众多泉水汇流而成,是繁华都市中一处难得的天然湖泊。与趵突泉、千佛山并称为济南三大名胜,也是泉城济南重要的风景名胜、开放窗口和闻名中外的旅游胜地,素有“泉城明珠”的美誉。




       1、the Imperial Palace_使

       2、the Great Wall_こ

       3、the Yellow River_坪

       4、the Yangtze River_そ

       5、Tiananmen Square 天安门广场

       6、the Potala Palace 布达拉宫


        My home town

        Jinan is my home town. It’s the capital city of Shandong with a long history. It’s in the middle west of Shandong. The population of Jinan is about 6.81 million. It has many great places of interest such as the Great Lake and Qianfo Mountain. It is very hot in summer but not very cold in winter. It is cleaner and quieter than many other cities. I’m sure my home town will become more and more beautiful in the future. Welcome to Jinan.




       Baotu Spring, one of the three scenic spots in Jinan, is located in Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province. It is adjacent to Quancheng Square in the East and Wulongtan in the north. It covers an area of 158 mu, ranking the top of the 72 Famous Springs in Jinan.

       During the southern tour of Emperor Qianlong, Baotu Spring was canonized as "the first spring in the world" because of the mellow and sweet taste of tea made by Baotu Spring. Bus route: citizens can take K1 and K5. Food can buy what you like, and tea is the best gift.

       趵突泉(Baotu Spring),济南三大名胜之一,位于山东省济南市历下区,东临泉城广场,北望五龙潭,面积达158亩,位居济南七十二名泉之冠。








乐山旅游景点英文介绍 乐山英语导游词

       一篇关于 织金洞一日游 的英语作文。谢谢


       Zhijin cave is situated in the east of Guizhou province Bijiecity Zhijin county north of the Guan Zhai Xiang, Zhijin caveis a national scenic area, national geological parks, forty best tourist attractions in China and one of the most beautiful tourist cave, China first, China National Natural Heritage, international tourist cave Association member,international and domestic experts have repeatedly visited the Zhijin cave, and highly: "the planet a great spectacle" and "underground art treasure house", "the king" and "thehole" karst Museum ". That day, our family went to Zhijin to play the hole.

       Into the cave, of greet is some greatly small "strangestone", the "strange stone" colorful, see my eyes, as if to a fairyland on earth in general. I had answered a God to come, take a look, ah"! Those old I called "strange stone"stone are all animals and plants a lifelike! When I found it, I will happy to run around.






       (1) 织金洞,这毫无疑问是当地最为出名的景点:沉淀亿万年的溶洞,目前开发面积达到170平方千米,什么概念呢?就是能装下35个天安门广场那么大,走完溶洞大概需要2-4小时。里面景观太多不做赘述,反正2005年就被中国国家地理评选为“中国最美旅游洞穴第一名”,至今仍居榜首;

       (2) 财神庙,刚才说了这里很有历史情怀,烟火气特浓,几乎没有一个中国人不知道财神爷,但这座庙是全中国唯一一个非宗教大统使用,且供奉至今的财神庙,光这一个民间文化意义,就很值得一看,还有说它建筑很牛逼的,说的内部结构很绝,但因为我不是很懂,就不在这里瞎说了,题主有兴趣可以去搜一搜;

       (3) 东山寺,如果说财神庙比较接地气,那这座寺庙就比较仙了。寺后有一处似洞天一线的景观,沿山而上的扶梯被雕刻成龙体模样,爬到山顶才可以看见龙头,寺内的东寺晚钟就是织金八大景之一;

       (4) 保安寺,顾名思义就是保护这方水土平安,算得上是个红色旅游景点,当年解放军135团在这驻扎打仗,寺内有一个守寺人,到今天守了10年了;

       (5) 斗姥阁,曾经的奢香行宫;

       (6) 文昌阁,供奉文昌帝君,求功名的话可以来这拜拜;

       (7) 鱼山黑神庙,供奉着唐代大将军——南霁云(是唐代名将张巡的得力干将);庙宇两旁的对联可见出处。传说明太祖曾隐迹于此。



       Hi, I'm Liu Jin. I'm a pretty girl. I now read technical secondary school, professional care, I come from Zhijin. I like to sing and dance, I am very high, I hope to meet you, and you will become good friends!




       织金洞原名“打鸡洞”、“乾宏洞”、“织金天宫”,位于贵州织金县城东北面二十三公里织金洞公园正门官寨乡东街口。1980年4月,织金县人民政府组织的旅游资源勘察队发现此洞。织金洞囊括了当今世界溶洞中的各种沉积形态,它既是一座地下艺术宝库,又是一座岩溶博物馆,堪称“世界奇观”。 织金洞是我国著名的喀斯特风景名胜区,中国旅游胜地40佳之一。1988年审定公布的第二批国家级重点风景名胜区,与红枫湖、龙宫、黄果树大瀑布三个国家级风景区共同形成旅游黄金环线。






       青岩古镇,位于贵阳市南郊,距市区约29公里。它是贵州四大古镇之一,一座建于600年前的军事古镇 。古镇内设计精巧、工艺精湛的明清古建筑交错密布,寺庙、楼阁画栋雕梁、飞角重檐相间。悠悠古韵,被誉为中国最具魅力小镇之一。



       叶杜鹃、皱皮杜鹃、锈叶杜鹃、问客杜鹃、腺_马银花、多花杜鹃、映山红、锦绣杜鹃、贵定杜鹃、暗绿杜鹃、映山红变种、落叶杜鹃、水红杜鹃、百合杜鹃、多头杜鹃41个品种,占世界5个亚属中的4 个,花色多样,有鲜红、粉红、紫色、金黄、淡黄、雪白、淡白、淡绿等。最为难得的是一树不同花,即一棵树上开出不同颜色的花朵,最多的达7 种之多被誉为“世界上最大的天然花园”。有“世界级的国宝精品”之美称。






       红枫湖是国家AAAA级风景名胜区,位于贵州清镇、平坝县境内,距安顺77千米、贵阳33千米。红枫湖是岛屿最多的高原岩溶湖泊, 湖中有岛屿100多个,以岩溶地貌和湖光山色为特色,是国家级风景名胜区,被誉为贵州腹地的一颗明珠。红枫湖始建于1958年,当时挖水库修电站。湖边有座红枫岭,岭上及湖周多枫香树。深秋时节,枫叶红似火,红叶碧波,风景优美,故名“红枫湖”。

       还有很多 你可以看下



       Leshan Buddha, also known as Lingyun Buddha, is located at Lingyun Temple on the East Bank of Nanminjiang River in Leshan City, Sichuan Province. It is near the confluence of Dadu River,

       Qingyi River and Minjiang River. The Great Buddha is a sitting statue of Maitreya Buddha. It is 71 meters high. It is the largest stone statue on a cliff in China.

       Leshan Buddha was excavated in the first year of Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty (713), and completed in the nineteenth year of Zhenyuan (803), which lasted about ninety years.

       Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Spot, which consists of Leshan Grand Buddha, Lingyun Mountain, Wuyou Mountain and Huge Crouching Buddha, belongs to the national 5A-level tourist attraction and is a part of the world cultural and natural heritage Emeishan-Leshan Grand Buddha.

       On October 8, 2018, the Jiuqu Trestle Road of Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area was closed before construction began. On April 1, 2019, the preliminary research and survey on rescue protection of the damaged area of Leshan Grand Buddha in Sichuan Province,

       which lasted nearly half a year, ended. Leshan Grand Buddha officially "left the customs", and the Jiuqu Trestle Road and the Buddha foot sightseeing platform of the scenic area were reopened.




       乐山大佛和凌云山、乌尤山、巨形卧佛等景点组成的乐山大佛景区属于国家5A级旅游景区, 是世界文化与自然双重遗产峨眉山-乐山大佛的组成部分。

       2018年10月8日,乐山大佛景区九曲栈道处已经开始施工前打围封闭。 2019年4月1日,历时近半年的四川乐山大佛残损区域抢救性保护前期研究及勘测工作结束,乐山大佛正式“出关”,景区的九曲栈道和佛脚观光平台重新开放。





       The city of Leshan is less than one hour's ride from the Baoguosi Monastery at the foot of Mt.Emei.Leshan is the home of the Giant Buddha at the conflueence of the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers.It qualifies as the largest Buddha in a sitting posture in the world .You must board a riverboat for the best view of the Giant Buddha.The massive Buddha was carved out of a cliff face more than a thousand years ago, but now it is still well preserved in good shape, with his full and serene face.

        The Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his 14.7m head,and 24m shoulders.The Buddha's ears are 6.72m long, insteps 8.5m broad, and a picnic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe, which is 1.5m long.

        This carving project was begun in 713.Each summer at that time the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers flowed down.As the ghree rivers met,turbu-lent waves strucd each other hard,boats capsized and boatmen vanished.There was a Buddhist monkby the name of Haitong in Lingyun Hill,who saw the situation and was determined to carve a giant Buddha out of the cliff face, hoping that the Buddha's presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen .Haitong started travelling along the Changjiang river and other areas in China to collect funds for the gigantic carving. Once an evil official attempted to obtain by force the money collected by Haitong.The monk refused him in strong terms.He said,"I'd rather gouge out my eyes than give a penny to you,"The official shouted in anger,"gouge your eye out now!"Haitong resolutely dug out one of his eyes.

        The monk's behavior in protecting the funding so greatly encouraged sculptors and other construction workers that the carving work went on smoothly. Unfortunately Haitong died before the completion of his life's work .However, this work continued due to the support of the local people as well as Weigao and Zhangchou Jianqing,the local top military commanders. The word took up 90 years until 803 when it was completed.Since then the Buddha has watched over the river traffic for more than a thousand years to offset the large number of serious accidents in the river. Modern Chinese question whether safer boat gravel is due to his presence or to sime later-day dredging.

        As you get close to the Buddha,we can find out some scattered holes im rows around the Buddha.They are remains of so Called the Giant Buddha Pavilion . It was a nine-storied building set up during the Tang Dynasty to shelter the Buddha.It was renamed as the Lingyun Pavilion with 13 stories during the Song Dynasty. Unfortunately it was destroyed by a war during the Ming Dynasty. Since then the Buddha remains outside in the open space.

        The Giant Buddha has lasted over a thousand years, and still survives in good shape.Why? First of all, according to the studies on the ancient construction of the Buddha,the cliff face the Buddha occupies enjoys topographical advantages. It is on the southern side of the hill,where verdant trees grow so well as to protect rocks and slope from erosion.Secondly although the Buddha seats bordering on the confluence of the three rivers, the immense statue is carved into the cliff face inside the hill,which alleviate the severe damage by wind and water erosion.Finally there is a water-drainage system,hidden from view.The system starts with 1021 fastened hairs, which conect one another at the bace of the bead .The end of the hairs inter-links the shoulders,joining the simple-patterned robe pleats carved on the body.The hairs,shoulders and pleats naturally reveal a complete system that carries away the entire surface water on the body, where the water disappears underground.It is worth making several passes at the Buddha.From the ferry pier on the island,you climba steep road and through Lingyun Temple to a vantage point for viewing the buddha.You can go to the top,opposite the head, and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the top,oppoosite the head,and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the different perspective viwepoints.A local boat passes by for a frontal view, which reveals two guardians in the cliff side, not visible from land,Wuyou Buddhist Monastery can be reached in 15 minutes by footpath from the Buddha,which is also from the Tang Dynasty with Ming and Qing renovations,Its layout is very similar to the other monasteries as we mentioned before.Walking along up Wuyou Hill,you can enjoy the quiet and beartiful scenery, The top of Wuyou Hill affords you a vision of an emerald-green tree forest, glazed golden tiles of the monastery roofs and the distant rivers.

        It would be a mistake to thind of Leshan as one big Buddha, but it is worth making a trip to Leshan,which will provide you with a pleasant picture made by the ancient Chinese sites and the beautiful nature being combined into a whole.











        现在,大家登山了山顶,一定发现了在我背后有一座佛像,不错,这就是驰名中外的乐山大佛,这大佛,有71米长。这 这里,被人们称为A4级风景区,古有”上朝峨眉,下朝凌云“之说。么高的大佛,你们知道是谁建造的吗?就让我揭开谜底吧!



        原来那名男子叫石青 ,是一个石匠,看海通救了自己,就和海通和其他一些劳动人民一起动手,在上面雕刻了在古今中外鼎鼎有名的乐山大佛。




       1、龙潭溶洞(Longtan cave):


       2、九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area):


       3、剑门关(Jianmen Pass Beauty Spot):


       4、乐山大佛(Leshan Giant Buddha):


       5、峨眉山(Mount Emei):



       乐山大佛地处四川省乐山市,岷江、青衣江、大渡河三江汇流处,与乐山城隔江相望。乐山大佛雕凿在岷江、青衣江、大渡河汇流处岩壁上,依岷江南岸凌云山栖霞峰临江峭壁凿造而成,又名凌云大佛,为弥勒佛坐像,是唐代摩岩造像的艺术精品之一,是世界上最大的石刻弥勒佛坐像。 Sichuan leshan giant Buddha is located in leshan, minjiang river, tsing yi jiang, dadu river sanjiang the confluence at the leshan city and the pearl river. Leshan giant Buddha carved in minjiang river, tsing yi jiang, dadu river HuiLiuChu the rock, minjiang river in southern LingYunShan qixia peak cliff made from the river cut, another name for more Buddha, symbolizes the tang dynasty, is MaYan yuangang images of fine arts is one of the world's largest stone carvings of yuangang symbolizes.

深圳旅游景点介绍视频英文 深圳的旅游景点英语

       The China Green Expo Garden of Zhengzhou as a national AAAA grade scenic spot is located at the south of Zheng-Kai Avenue, adjacent to the Green Bo Avenue( originally its named Zhengzhou and Kaifeng logistics channel) and with a distance of two kilometers to the Zhengzhou and Kaifeng inter-city railway Green Expo Garden station. It is a ecologically-themed scenic spot , with a collection of garden exhibition, Eco-environment protection, scientific popularization of nature, recreation and entertainment and special diet . Here, the scenery is beautiful and pleasant and air is pure and fresh . There are hundreds of theme-oriented exhibition gardens, top 10 festival brands , adventurous and exciting entertainment programs and colorful flower show during four seasons in the scenic spot. The China Green Expo Garden of Zhengzhou is the best place for people who live in the urban city to relax on vocations and cultivate health in different seasons.




       the China Folk Culture Villages Shenzhen


       Splendid China


       the Shenzhen Safari Park


       Window to the World


       Happy Valley


       Honey Lake


       Shekou Sea World


       MINSK World


       Hi Tech Fair Exhibition Center


       Shenzhen Convention Exhibition Center(缩写SZCEC)

       深圳欢乐谷 英文介绍和中文翻译

       Shenzhen happy valley is a large theme park, oct group, a new generation of the first national AAAAA level scenic spots, covers an area of 350000 square meters, total investment 1.7 billion yuan, is a participatory and spectator, entertaining, interest in the integration of modern Chinese theme park. Since it opened in 1998, shenzhen happy valley after a period, two period, three period of rolling development, has become the largest domestic investment, the most advanced facilities in the modern theme park. Dominated. Nine big topic area: Spanish square castle, magic, adventure, gold mountain town, shangri-la forest, hurricane bay, sunshine coast, happy time, and Asia's first won the international association of water park "industry innovation award" of the Maya water park, more than 100 for young and old, rich and colorful amusement project. From the United States, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries introduced numerous unique to the country and Asia project: such as the world's highest divide "surging ahead," China the first hanging roller coaster roadway type "snow dragon", China's first "mine", China's first "perfect storm", China's first "imitation of classic garden little train ring", the highest in Asia, China's first "breathtaking tower" - the space shuttle, Asia's first set of visual, auditory, tactile, which integrates the four-dimensional cinemas, the world's longest track water warships, jungle war and the international first-class level, the domestic first elevated sightseeing trains - trunk line. Adhering to the "build up happy valley, happy valley to play not over of" business philosophy, to create "often see often new, often play often" customer value, and in 2008, shenzhen happy valley again upgrade innovation, invest 200 million yuan to build new project "magic castle". Magic castle is Asia's first fantasy theme amusement space, only fantasy tianlun park, covers an area of about 40000 square meters, composed of neverland, magic, magic forest castle three themed areas, a total of more than 20 fun rides. And thrilling joy journey, each one is also really fun world. Happy valley in shenzhen - China's most attractive city entertainment center, a "dynamic, fashion, fun, dream" of the busy city happily will never forget you! Shenzhen happy valley is a large theme park, oct group, a new generation of the first national AAAAA level scenic spots, covers an area of 350000 square meters, total investment 1.7 billion yuan, is a participatory and spectator, entertaining, interest in the integration of modern Chinese theme park. Since it opened in 1998, shenzhen happy valley after a period, two period, three period of rolling development, has become the largest domestic investment, the most advanced facilities in the modern theme park. Dominated. Nine big topic area: Spanish square castle, magic, adventure, gold mountain town, shangri-la forest, hurricane bay, sunshine coast, happy time, and Asia's first won the international association of water park "industry innovation award" of the Maya water park, more than 100 for young and old, rich and colorful amusement project. From the United States, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries introduced numerous unique to the country and Asia project: such as the world's highest divide "surging ahead," China the first hanging roller coaster roadway type "snow dragon", China's first "mine", China's first "perfect storm", China's first "imitation of classic garden little train ring", the highest in Asia, China's first "breathtaking tower" - the space shuttle, Asia's first set of visual, auditory, tactile, which integrates the four-dimensional cinemas, the world's longest track water warships, jungle war and the international first-class level, the domestic first elevated sightseeing trains - trunk line. Adhering to the "build up happy valley, happy valley to play not over of" business philosophy, to create "often see often new, often play often" customer value, and in 2008, shenzhen happy valley again upgrade innovation, invest 200 million yuan to build new project "magic castle". Magic castle is Asia's first fantasy theme amusement space, only fantasy tianlun park, covers an area of about 40000 square meters, composed of neverland, magic, magic forest castle three themed areas, a total of more than 20 fun rides. And thrilling joy journey, each one is also really fun world. Happy valley in shenzhen - China's most attractive city entertainment center, a "dynamic, fashion, fun, dream" of the busy city happily will never forget you!

       深圳欢乐谷是华侨城集团新一代大型主题乐园,首批国家AAAAA级旅游景区,占地面积35万平方米,总投资17亿元人民币,是一座融参与性、观赏性、**性、趣味性于一体的中国现代主题乐园。1998年开业以来,深圳欢乐谷经过一期、二期、三期的滚动发展,已成为国内投资规模最大、设施最先进的现代主题乐园。全园共有九大主题区:西班牙广场、魔幻城堡、冒险山、金矿镇、香格里拉森林、飓风湾、阳光海岸、欢乐时光和亚洲首座荣获国际水公园协会“行业创新奖”的玛雅水公园,100多个老少皆宜、丰富多彩的游乐项目。从美国、荷兰、德国等国家引入众多全国乃至亚洲独有的项目:如世界最高落差的“激流勇进”、中国第一座悬挂式过山车“雪山飞龙”、中国第一座巷道式“矿山车”、中国第一座 “完美风暴”、中国第一辆“仿古典式环园小火车”、亚洲最高、中国第一座“惊险之塔”--太空梭、亚洲首座集视觉、听觉、触觉于一体的四维影院、世界轨道最长的水战船--丛林水战以及国际一流水平、国内第一条高架观光游览列车--欢乐干线。秉承“建不完的欢乐谷,玩不完的欢乐谷”经营理念,创造“常看常新、常玩常新”的顾客价值,2008年,深圳欢乐谷再次创新升级,投资2亿人民币打造全新项目“魔幻城堡”。魔幻城堡是亚洲首创魔幻主题游乐空间,国内唯一奇幻天伦乐园,占地面积约4万平方米,由梦幻岛、魔法森林、魔幻城堡三大主题区构成,共有 20多个妙趣横生的游乐项目。一次次惊心动魄的欢乐历程,一个个亦真亦幻的欢乐世界。深圳欢乐谷--中国最具魅力的都市**中心,一个“动感、时尚、欢乐、梦幻”的繁华都市开心地将让你永志难忘! 深圳欢乐谷是华侨城集团新一代大型主题乐园,首批国家AAAAA级旅游景区,占地面积35万平方米,总投资17亿元人民币,是一座融参与性、观赏性、**性、趣味性于一体的中国现代主题乐园。1998年开业以来,深圳欢乐谷经过一期、二期、三期的滚动发展,已成为国内投资规模最大、设施最先进的现代主题乐园。全园共有九大主题区:西班牙广场、魔幻城堡、冒险山、金矿镇、香格里拉森林、飓风湾、阳光海岸、欢乐时光和亚洲首座荣获国际水公园协会“行业创新奖”的玛雅水公园,100多个老少皆宜、丰富多彩的游乐项目。从美国、荷兰、德国等国家引入众多全国乃至亚洲独有的项目:如世界最高落差的“激流勇进”、中国第一座悬挂式过山车“雪山飞龙”、中国第一座巷道式“矿山车”、中国第一座 “完美风暴”、中国第一辆“仿古典式环园小火车”、亚洲最高、中国第一座“惊险之塔”--太空梭、亚洲首座集视觉、听觉、触觉于一体的四维影院、世界轨道最长的水战船--丛林水战以及国际一流水平、国内第一条高架观光游览列车--欢乐干线。秉承“建不完的欢乐谷,玩不完的欢乐谷”经营理念,创造“常看常新、常玩常新”的顾客价值,2008年,深圳欢乐谷再次创新升级,投资2亿人民币打造全新项目“魔幻城堡”。魔幻城堡是亚洲首创魔幻主题游乐空间,国内唯一奇幻天伦乐园,占地面积约4万平方米,由梦幻岛、魔法森林、魔幻城堡三大主题区构成,共有 20多个妙趣横生的游乐项目。一次次惊心动魄的欢乐历程,一个个亦真亦幻的欢乐世界。深圳欢乐谷--中国最具魅力的都市**中心,一个“动感、时尚、欢乐、梦幻”的繁华都市开心地将让你永志难忘!



       Dapeng Law Firm is located in Dapeng Town, Longgang District, east of Shenzhen City.


       Founded in 1394 in the 27th year of hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, it covers an area of 110,000 square meters and is the only state-level key cultural relic protection unit in Shenzhen.



       Lotus has an ancient holy name, known for its beauty and purity. Lianhua Mountain is located at the northern end of Shenzhen city center.


       There is a statue of Deng Xiaoping in the square at the top of the hill.



       Qiaocheng Fairview is located in the oct Scenic area in the west of Downtown Shenzhen, including theme parks such as "Fairview China", "Window of the World" and "Happy Valley".



       The main peak of Wutong Mountain is 944 meters high, which is the first peak in the Pearl River Delta.


       Xianhu botanical Garden, East Lake Park, forest park, sports park, etc., is one of the best spots for mountaineering and sightseeing.


       Standing in the vicinity of Hero Slope, overlooking Hong Kong, Mirs Bay, Yantian Port and Sha Tau Kok in the morning light, the sky is broad and refreshing.


       At the foot of the mountain, Hongfa Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in Shenzhen.



       Dameisha beach is located by The Side of Dapeng Bay in Shenzhen city. The width of The mouth of Dameisha Bay is about 2000 meters and that of Xiaomeisha Bay is about 800 meters.


       Sea sand yellow and white delicate, smooth soft, like a crescent Mosaic in the green mountains and blue sea, known as the "Oriental Hawaii."






        英文:Window of the world.世界之窗是位于中国广东省深圳市南山区华侨城的大型文化旅游景区,景区按世界地域结构和游览活动内容分为世界广场、亚洲区、大洋洲区、欧洲区、非洲区、美洲区、现代科技**区、世界雕塑园、国际街九大景区。





